What’s Decomposing - 2006
Usually my What’s Decomposing posts are about all the things that I put in my compost bin. I’ve composted beer, champagne, 5 gallons of peanut oil, leaves, hot peppers and even a 75 pound pumpkin. But the year 2006 is coming to a close and it’s about time I tossed it in my compost bin along with the outdated attitudes towards blogging that I started the year with. This post is a look back at some of the conversations I had with myself along the way.
January 2006:
Who would want to become a blogger anyway? I mean blogs are for kids who write about how lame their teachers are and who they have a crush on, right? But I read somewhere there's bloggers out there making six figures. I'll give it a try. How hard could it be? I've decided to do a gardening blog called Compost Bin. All I need is a Google News Alert about compost and I'll be rolling in the AdSense bucks.
Blogging is a joke.
February 2006:
Still haven't gotten any AdSense clicks. My traffic is next to nothing. I guess I should actually start writing stuff that people might want to read. I really like gardening and making compost so I guess I write about my experiences in the garden. Even I don't like reading most of those News Alert posts that I've been making. I wonder if I'm the only farmer wannabe with a blog. I'm going to try and make this fun.
Blogging is hard.
March 2006:
The blog is looking a lot better now that I've been adding photos. My Mavica actually takes pretty good pictures, so I'm going to post them. I'm always in the yard with my camera so now I can blog this stuff instead of pestering my wife to look at pictures of my compost bin.
Blogging involves a lot of skills.
April 2006:
I love Garden Blogging. I just got accepted into a reblog called Garden Voices. My traffic has tripled and people are actually posting comments. AdSense is still barely enough for a cup of coffee but this is exciting to know that there's people out there like me walking around their gardens with camera in hand. I know what to post about next. I’ll talk about all the crazy animals that are constantly visiting my yard. There was that giant snapping turtle, the bunny, the squirrels, the butterfly, the dragon fly and those wild turkeys.
Blogging is awesome!
May 2006:
Wow, my pool renovation has turned into a nightmare. My wife is sick of hearing about it so I’m going to blog about it. Some of my fellow Garden Bloggers have been through rough rennovations too. I'm glad they were there to offer advice and listen to me gripe.
Blogging is all about community.

My one and only guest blogger, my dad, knocked one out of the park with his how to make dandelion wine post. Who would have thought he’d become such a wine expert after I bought him that wine making kit for his birthday. He should blog about making wine now that he's retired. His post still draws traffic from people searching for odd things like fermentation traps and food grade plastic pails.
Blogging brings families closer together.
July 2006:
How to grow a Musa Basjoo (hardy banana plant) is definitely something I should blog about. It was hard for me to find information about how to do it so maybe I can help some other banana novices out there.
Blogging is about sharing.
August - September 2006:
My Colocasia gigantea and my Musa Basjoo have turned into giant jurassic plants. I'm glad that I kept my readers up to date on their growth. Who would have thought that those tiny little mail order plants could have gotten so big over the summer.
Blogging takes time.
October - November 2006:
I learned a lot doing The Compost Bin Blog this year. Sure there was some times throughout the year that I didn't post too often but I'm glad I've found a way to fit blogging into my life. Now it's time to take what I've learned and branch out into new niches and start some new blogs.
Blogging is a great learning experience.

I may not be the greatest writer or photographer and I certainly don't make enough money to do this full-time but it's a lot of fun. I wonder what 2007 will bring.
I am a Blogger!
(this post has been submitted to the Problogger Group Writing Project)
12/21/2006 08:56:00 PM | Labels: Year In Review |
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(My Project post--
http://tinyurl.com/yby5ms )
Happy Holidays!
Enjoyed your post & looking through your blogs. Best of luck in the coming year!
Brad, that's too funny about the post title. I did try to stand out but maybe I over did it. And those cartoons on Word Sell are great.
Jenny, I'm a sucker for foodie blogs, but I have a question about all the sports stuff. How does that fit in at CoachingCooking ? And how is it in 451Press? Should I be trying to get into a blog network?
Angela, that's probably the deepest comment anyone has ever left on my blog. :) Best of luck to you too and I think I may be following your advice on how to make a cool journal. I've got lots of leaves in my garden to choose from.
Found you through Problogger. Thank you as well for stopping by my SurvivingNj blog.