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Pool Update - Vinyl Liner

After two months of excuses and disappearing pool workers, we were finally blessed with a vinyl pool liner yesterday. First they said it would take 2 weeks (Isn't that the standard answer from "The Money Pit"?) and then any day now, then definitely this week, then the liner is finished but the factory forgot to load it on the truck, then oops, silly factory forgot to load it on the truck again this week. Then finally, installed.

It's filling up now. It'll probably take about 2 days to fill up, then the hardscaping contractors (excellent workers, can't say enough good things about them, check out that awesome retainning wall they did, beautiful) can return and lay down a tumbled paver deck around the pool.

I may actually get to take a swim in about 2 weeks. Uh, oh... hearing "two weeks" sends the chills down my spine. Wish me luck.

1 Comment:

  1. Stunned Donor said...
    The retaining wall is fantastic. Too bad the guys are in Jersey and I'm in Pennsylhio. In my business life, I deal with a lot of contractors and it makes me hesitant to have anything done on the house that involves one. "Two more weeks" is the phrase I hear the most.

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