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Ornamental Cherry Tree

Ornamental Cherry TreeThis Ornamental Cherry Tree was a one year wedding anniversary present from my Aunt. It's now eight years old and has come a long way from that little one gallon pot that it came in.

Originally went I planted it, I did a terrible job. I guess I didn't pack the soil down well enough because it started leaning and looked pretty crooked. But it still grew nicely for about five years. Then a few years back we did a major pool renovation and it had to be moved. The landscaping crew wrapped it up nicely and put it in a nice safe corner of the yard away from all the heavy machinery.

And months later, when the landscapers were done robbing us of all of our money, they used one of those heavy machines to replant the Ornamental Cherry Tree properly where it sits today.


  1. cherry said...
    it's beautiful !
    Erik said...
    I have one in my front yard and I love it.
    JGH said...
    So pretty - mine is in bloom now too. When it rained all week, the branches hung down so low with petals and water!
    George said...
    I love the look of this tree and am interested in purchasing it from a nursery. My question is, is this the true name for this tree? I have seen many other trees online that fall under the same general name of ornamental cherry. Does anyone know?

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