Woodchuck Pest
There's nothing worse than losing a loved one. In this case that loved one was a bumper crop of bok choy.
I started the seeds under lights in my basement at the end of winter. Then I went to the effort to build a makeshift hoop house to keep the bok choy warm when I transplanted them outside. They even survived a couple of frosts under the hoop house and now that it's bok choy eating time I will have to go to the produce store. I have nothing to show for all of that effort because of a woodchuck.
Whether you call them woodchucks or groundhogs they are the mortal enemy of the vegetable gardener. And this woodchuck must be opening up his fortune cookie by now because he ate an entire raised bed full of Chinese take-out.
Putting up a stronger fence around my vegetable garden has been moved up to the number one priority on my To Do List. The current fence (that the woodchuck bit through) worked fine for the past two years. I just took a roll of bird netting and attached it to 2x2s around the garden. I also buried it under the ground so that nothing could tunnel underneath it.
But I guess after two years out in the elements, it got weak enough that it became the appetizer for this fat woodchuck. And by the way, this happened a few weeks ago but I'm a bit behind with my blogging lately. In my next few posts I'll describe what I've done to keep this pest out of my garden.
5/20/2009 06:56:00 PM | Labels: critter, vegetable garden |
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- David said...
7:48 PMI can feel your pain as I lost some of my veggies to the rampant wild rabbits and slug teams (And tripping over a stick which beat 1/2 of my lima beans to death). Good luck, and it looks like some of the boy will grow back, just will delay that dinner.- Carol Michel said...
9:25 PMYou have my deepest sympathies, that's just not right, not fair either.- Chiot's Run said...
9:38 PMYou know what I do for a woochuck problem - put out a live trap, fill it with broccoli, and then wait with my gun. Problem solved.- sarah k. said...
10:02 PMCurse that little bastard! I planted potatoes a couple of weeks ago, turned on the motion-sensor sprinkler, and then came out a few days later to find my potatoes all dug up and chewed to bits by the squirrels. I definitely know how you feel.- Annikki said...
10:09 PMI'm so sorry! Our garden has gotten mowed down by a groundhog this year, too. Lettuce, cilantro, snow peas, chard, hell, even the marigolds. Evil thing has even charged at me from across the lawn. Good luck on getting rid of the evil thing!- Anthony said...
10:11 PMThanks guys. :(- Unknown said...
10:11 PMI declared war on groundhogs last year after they mowed down my peas and greens. I bought a humane trap and took them for a drive after I caught each one. Five in total!- Ed Bruske said...
11:24 PMSounds like time for some woodchuck stew.