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Vegetable Gardening Website

Marc from GardenDesk has come up with a great idea for a new website. It's sort of the Google News of Vegetable Gardening.

In his own words, this is why he created VeggieGardenInfo.com

Generally in the overall gardening blogosphere, it seems that posts about vegetables are in the minority. It is sometimes hard for me to find them amongst all of the flower entries.

So if you're interested in vegetable gardening or blog about it, then be sure it check it out. Good luck Marc.

1 Comment:

  1. Marc said...
    Wow - Thanks Anthony. I hope there are other vegetable gardening enthusiasts out there, and that I'm not offending the flowers.

    We'll have to make a category for composting too as soon as you give us another great "What's Decomposing" entry!

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