15 Yards Of Mulch
After getting 20 Yards of Mulch dumped in my driveway, you would think that I’d be all mulched out. Well you’d be wrong if you thought that. That was just the appetizer, now I’m on to the main course.
I got another 15 yards of mulch delivered this week because I grossly underestimated what I needed to create border gardens along most of my property line and also around the pool. Plus I also like to put mulch down around my vegetable garden beds to give it a neat look.
Getting the first 20 yards spread out took it’s toll on my back and I lost a good wheel barrow/garden cart in the process (cracked axel). But now that I can stand upright again I’m ready for more gardening! As far as the hauling goes, all I needed was a quick trip to Costco and about 1 hour of assembly time and now I’m back in action with a brand new wheel barrow. (my third in three years!)
The mulch must go on...
5/24/2007 07:11:00 AM | Labels: mulch |
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BTW...the blog looks good. You've changed a few things since I last visited. I like it :-)
Yes, I recently made a few changes. I'm trying to get more serious about my blogging. So far, mixed results. Not a lot of time for blogging with the 9-5, the kids, the mulch, etc. But I'll keep at it. :)
I only had three cubic yards and it's not even all doled out yet. That took up like 1/5 of my drive way.
Happy mulching.
Hi Anthony;
You've changed your design. I like the new look. I was just looking at your pictures of the Hosta's. Are they very hard to keep up? I'm such a poor gardner, lol.
Have a wonderful day?
I'd love to mulch the back of my lot with a good six inches, but it's too pricey.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
The cats in your area must be happy to get so much new mulch to scratch around in!
Box, Hostas are almost bullet proof. As long as you can keep the slugs away you should have good luck with them. I'm glad you like the new blog look. I plan on using this template for most of my blogs.
Steven, I'd love to get a wheel barrow sponsor or a compost tumbler sponsor or even better would be a camera sponsor. I've been reading about your camera troubles and I'm sure you wouldn't mind a camera sponser either, right?
Annie, I'm only a casual mulcher, I can quit anytime. :) A whole yard of potting soil... I like that way that sounds.
Marc, pictures are on their way. I already took a bunch of "before" shots from on top of my roof.
I purchased a "lawn utility vehicle" several years ago which is a rechargeable motorized garden cart. It purrs along and though it goes kind of slow, it does help when moving a lot of mulch around.
Is there a 12 step program for mulch addicts?
I'm getting 6 yards of Sweet Peet delivered today and I'm wondering how I'll get it all spread before September. I can't even contemplate dealing with 6x that amount altogether. :)
Jeannemarie : )