We've Moved

75 Pound Pumpkin

Well, I didn't break the 100 lb mark but I'm very happy with my first Great Pumpkin Season. 75 pounds is a good start and I also grew another one that was about 40 pounds. I learned a few things about myself and growing big pumpkins along the way so I'll be ready for next growing season.

The most important thing that I learned was that I have no free time and I need to think smaller. Plant less things in the garden and focus more attention on them. I was spread too thin this year and couldn't keep up with my weeding and trimming and other garden chores.

Next year, I won't have pumpkin vines growing into the neighbor's yard and I won't have tomatoes that clog up the paths between my raised beds. And I won't have thorny Blackberry plants growing next to the pumpkin vines so that I can't pull off the extra pumpkin flowers that are wasting the pumpkin energy that should be going into my 100 lb pumpkins! Next year will be different.

Oh, who am I kidding? Where's my Burpee catalog? Next year's garden will be bigger and better than ever! :)


  1. Annie in Austin said...
    Congratulations on that pumpkin, Anthony - and it's good to see you posting again.

    Whenever we tried squash-type crops, the squirrels bit chunks out while they were small - maybe the blackberry thorns helped to protect your pumpkins?

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose
    Anthony said...
    Thanks Annie,

    I actually picked this pumpkin and put it on my porch for safekeeping in August because I was afraid something would bit chunks out of it. So I know what you mean.

    Yes, it has been a while since I've posted regularly. I started a new job in August (I work in the IT Industry) and it was a tough adjustment period. But I'm going to figure out a way to continue blogging because it's a lot of fun.

    So far, posting at midnight, when the kids are asleep and all household chores are done seems to work pretty good.
    Christa said...
    Great pumpkin! Congratulations! Are you going to carve it for Halloween?

    I like the new look of your blog, by the way. Very nice. Good to see you blogging again.
    Nickie said...
    Whew.....I thought you were serious for a moment...A SMALLER garden?

    Nearly fainted hearing that. Yes, pass the seed catalouges!
    Anthony said...

    Thanks for the welcome back. I felt I needed a little bit of a change so I installed a new template from http://geckoandfly.com/
    With only a few minor changes, it was ready to go.

    I think I'm going to pass on carving it. The kids already painted the other pumpkins so I'm going to leave this one natural looking until it goes in the compost bin.

    Yes, I was actually serious for about a minute, then I came back to my senses. :)

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