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Guess The Vegetable

Do you know what this is? If you have a good memory you may remember some of my old posts where I mentioned the things I was planting this season.

First person to guess correctly wins...

...the respect of the garden blogging community.

Sorry but that's the best prize I can offer from my rinky dink garden blog. :)


  1. Joe said...
    Looks like a potato, one of the blue kinds.
    Anthony said...
    It's a purple potato so I'll have to check with the judges...

    Yes, we'll accept blue potato.

    Well done!
    Kati said...
    oh,somebody beat me to it, but I would have guessed a potato as well. I'm am curious though as to the taste and texture and how it's best prepared. Which side of the great potato-debate does it fall on, squeeky or floury when cooked?
    Zut Alors said...
    i thought it was a taro root.
    Pittsgrove Farms said...
    Purple potatoes remind me of when my mother made green mashed potatoes for St. Patrick's Day when I was a kid. Like Crystal Pepsi, when food isn't the color that your brain expects them to be, it always seems to take a moment for the taste to sink in.
    Anthony said...
    Hi Kati, I'm not familiar with that potato debate, but these taste light and fluffy. Does that help?

    FunTimeHappyGardenExplosion, What a name! Thanks for visiting. I am a big fan of elephant ear and if they had a purple variety, I'd definitely give it a try. So that was a good guess.

    Pittsgrove Farms, Nice observation about the role of the mind in tasting new things. My local bagel shop makes green bagel on St. Patrick's Day but I stick to the "normal" colors. :)
    Katie said...
    I was going to guess radish. But then I saw you already had a winner. A potato?! I'd say that's more like a PokeMAN monster thing. har har
    Anthony said...
    Katie, I'm perfectly able to blog about vegetables without letting my other interests leak into the conversation. And by the way, have you seen my latest Pokemon post about Team Rocket?
    Ki said...
    I would have guessed sweet potato but upon looking closer the shape is wrong. How did the potato taste?
    Anthony said...
    Ki, they taste great. Sort of like a lighter more puffy version of a regular potato. Yukon Gold is still my favorite but these are more fun because of the color.
    Ottawa Gardener said...
    I'm sure someone already guessed it but it looks like the russian blue that I grew this year. It made lavender coloured mashed potatoes to my daughter's delight.

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