We've Moved

The Groundhog Lied

After a few days of spring cleanup in my yard, I’ve traded my rake for a snow shovel. Friday’s snow storm has completely hidden my yard under a blanket of ice and snow again.

The poor daffodils must think that’s someone is playing a terrible joke on them. Hey everybody, spring is here even though it’s still January, grow, grow, grow! Whoops, it’s snowing, everybody get dormant now, sleep, sleep, sleep! Okay this time the warm weather is here to stay, grow like the wind! It’s snowing! Back in the ground, dive, dive, dive!

I hope that they don’t give up and eventually something yellow comes out of the ground.


  1. Ki said...
    Yep Punxsutawney Phil had a laugh on us. A trickster for sure. We had about 4 inches of sleet that turned into concrete.
    Anthony said...
    I remember learning about sleet that turns into concrete in my Earth Science class. Deadly stuff. :)
    Colleen Vanderlinden said...
    I'm thinking my daffodils are goners. Every time they grow a little, they get a load of snow dumped on them.

    I say we find Phil and have a little *talk* with him....
    lisa said...
    We are set to get up to 11" of snow up here in the next 2 days! I have 2 pair of groundhog-sized concrete shoes whenever Phil shows up...

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