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$99 Costco Compost Tumbler

Costco Compost TumblerI'm always on the look out for cool composting stuff and I definitely spotted a bargain this week.

Costco is selling compost tumblers for $99 now. And they aren't bargain basement fall apart when you get home tumblers, they actually look pretty well made. Similar tumblers usually sell for about $150 - $250 online and then you have to pay for shipping on top of that. So $99 is really a steal. If you have a Costco in your area, just plunk down your $100 and you could take one home and start making compost that very same day.

It can hold up to 75 gallons of composting ingredients and it's made from recycled plastic. The steel legs are very sturdy too. I gave this thing a serious spin in the store. I haven't bought it yet but I think it's definitely in my future.

Costco Compost TumblerIf you've never composted before, this is a great way to start. A tumbler is easy to maintain and you don't have to worry about pests getting in your compost because it's up off the ground. And very important for people who worry about nosy neighbors and home owner associations, it's really nice looking.

Even if I don't buy this tumbler I'm still happy to see it out there. A year ago composting bins just weren't widely available in stores. Now with the Obama organic vegetable garden all over the news and every morning show on TV doing segments on growing your own food gardening and composting are becoming mainstream. And that's definitely good news.


  1. Red Icculus said...
    I can't find the tumbler on the website. Do you have a specific product #?.
    Chris G. said...
    great find anthony! which costco warehouse did you go to?
    Anthony said...
    Hi Red,
    I'm not surprised that you can't find it. The web site site and the store never have the same stuff.

    Hi Chris G,
    I saw it in the Hackensack, NJ Costco during my lunch break. I haven't checked the Costco near my house yet though.
    Chris G. said...
    i'll see if we have it here in union too, will post soon. if not, then off to hackensack costco we go! :) great blog as usual, anthony.
    sb said...
    What a bargain! However, I've heard that you can't use a tumbler if you want to add scraps daily - that you have to build your "pile" all at once, with the proper mix of brown and green. What do you think?
    Robj98168 said...
    wow. I need one of those. I just turned my compost and boy doys my back ache!
    Bryant Raiford said...
    I'm in Detroit, Michigan. Just got back from a local Costco, and they had them! I see what you mean, it is sturdy.
    Anonymous said...
    just picked one up at costco in fontana ca. they still have three left. I would be happy to pick one up for anyone for a 20 dollar fee. the cost is 108 plus 20 plus whatever the shipping would be.
    Unknown said...
    I picked up the floor model and it had not directions - how can I get the directions to put this together? They took it all apart to get it in my car but I didn't get to watch them do it, so I am not sure how it goes together - any ideas?
    Anthony said...
    Yikes! I can never get anything assembled without instructions. Good luck with that. Try sending email to Costco Customer Service. Maybe they can help.
    Anonymous said...
    They have it again!!! I found it in the NJ--East Hanover location! $99.00. What a great deal!

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