Garden, Blog & Life Update
Well, I'm back. I was going to take the rest of the summer off from blogging and focus on my career but my career is just too boring. The plan was to read a lot of programming books (I build corporate intranet sites for a living, you know IT stuff), take some training courses and update my certifications and get back into consulting but I that would have been a miserable summer.
I'm still going to update my skillset and look for consulting spots but I'm going to blog about compost while I'm doing it. So anyway, enough about that and on to something that I actually enjoy talking about, my garden. Well I usually enjoy talking about it but this year's garden is a disaster. I have totally neglected it lately and it shows.
Let's review for a moment, this summer I have neglected both my blog and my garden but that is about to change. In the garden, the first thing I need to do is some weeding but after that I need to spread some compost on my beds. I have a giant bin full and it's just sitting there rotting. That's usually a good thing but it'll be a better thing if it's in my vegetable garden.
And as far as blogging goes, I have lots of ideas for posts and videos and a backlog of pictures, so content shouldn't be a problem. I've also signed up for a course on Podcasting at SparkplugU because I'd like to turn my dopey videos into, well... a dopey podcast.
Part of the homework for the course is to figure out what your audience wants. So I've posted a survey (which should be directly above this post) asking what you'd like to see more of on this blog. I probably lost of bunch of my readers by telling them that I was going on hiatus but if anyone is still out there, please let me know. Anyone, anyone... Bueller?
7/21/2008 10:53:00 PM
This entry was posted on 7/21/2008 10:53:00 PM
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Don't feel too bad about letting things go. My great composting from last year has slid to a pathetic minimum. Although I have added worm composting and chickens so I'm letting them do the work for me and that's fun!
Take care.
I hope you do a podcast! I voted for "more retarded videos" in your poll.
I didn't know that you did .NET too (I do ASP.NET with C#). Yes, supporting this gardening habit does have it's price. :)
Chickens and worms? Sounds awesome. I had better head over to your blog and catch up. Sounds like you're having a great summer.
Yes, I'm too old for the whole tunnel vision thing that I used to do in my 20ies. Now that I'm 40, balance seems to be key.
I was hoping that someone would vote for retarded videos because I really enjoy making them. Thanks! :)
I just dropped by to see if you really meant it.... and "Lo & behold!" here you are again.
My three compost heaps are doing well, and are rather like the magic purse I dreamed of as a child (you know, the one which always has something in it, no matter how much you took out!)